Heritage Status for Historically Important Gemstone Producing Regions?

By Dr. Laurent Cartier

October 21st, 2017

Heritage Status for Historically Important Gemstone Producing Regions?

Dr. Laurent Cartier recently published an article in 'the Episodes Journal' (part of IUGS- International Union of Geological Sciences) on the potential of developing a heritage status to raise awareness about and support gemstone producing areas worldwide. In regions such as the Mogok Stone Tract in Burma (Myanmar), strong traditions have evolved around the mining and processing of the different gemstones. It is proposed that specific criteria and a heritage designation scheme be developed for such regions that have been outstanding producers of gemstones, in some cases for many centuries. Much as with UNESCO’s World Heritage Site programme, the aim would be to preserve the traditions of these provinces and increase cultural, scientific and touristic interest in their gemstone resources as a way of contributing to sustainable development in these regions.

The full article can be read by following this link
